Monday, November 16, 2009

2 Cancer Patients At The Heart of KK Hospital Drug Blunder

It's heartbreaking to see my mum having to go through all these at 51. As though cancer hasn't dealt a severe blow on her and our family, the drug blunder had to happen.

Now this presents bigger issues to us all around the world, how are we to trust the medical professionals from now on? Who is then certified to do what? Should every patient question the doctors and nurses for details of prescription,dosage and effects?

Honestly,transferring the two pharmacists away doesn't solve any problem. If anything, they are the ones least likely to commit the same mistake and will be extra careful when dispensing medicine and drugs.

Think about it, even with the probability of an oversight reduced with two instead of one professional, yet it can still happen to two patients, how can one not worry? And with such post-incident responses that we are getting, are hospitals taking lives seriously or not?

"Sorry" no longer mean a thing when you're putting someone's life at risk. It means zilch when a life is lost. I should say it is the misfortune of one having to live a life trying to deal with the complications of such negligence.


ml said...

I am sorry to read about what happened to your mum.

When I was going through chemo, I asked a lot of questions, like how long each drug will take, etc. When they used generic names that I was not familiar with, I asked if they had changed my drug. I didn't care if I appeared stupid, but it was my life and I wanted to be sure that I was in control.

Chemo is poison and will damage the liver and kidneys.

If you have not already done do, ask the hospital for copies of the results of all the blood tests that your mum has taken, especially the ones before and after this incident.

It would be advisable to seek a second opinion and show them these results.

Fay said...

every patient should and has the right to ask about their own prescription of drugs and they also have to know pretty well how long each drugs should be infused into his/her body. Any signs of abnormality have to be directed to the nurses immediately.

Such an incident really sent a chill down my spine. For all you know, such things had been happening pretty often but was not exposed till now and patients are not exactly dying of cancer, but of chemo itself...