Monday, November 16, 2009

Frantic 43 Hours - The Public Should Know About This

Some say my mum's quick reaction helped the hospital save Mdm Ng (Mrs Yip Poh Hung) from further damage to her body/organs.

Hospital seems to be isolating their mistake of two victims to one that is of grave mistake, and another which is of acceptable dosage based on international standards but not their usual practise due to higher risk.

Otherwise, why is it that reports claim pharmacists had visited Mdm Ng and apologized but not one of them came to my mum's ward to apologize? Because "it is okay"?

To me, I'm just thankful and I'm guessing the hospital is far more than thankful that the drug administered to my mum wasn't equally or far more potent. Which is why I'm hearing "it's okay"...

To me, both my mum and Mdm Ng are undergoing the same suffering but differing treatments...



Anonymous said...

Hi there. I read the news on the papers and chanced upon your blog. I feel your anger as my mum just underwent her treatment for stage 2 breast cancer and I cannot imagine what would have happen should this happen to her. It's fortunate that your mum realised the mistake of the hospital early. Be strong!

I had also read that the other party is not taking any actions against the hospital. I'm not sure whether this is the best option for them, but I do hope that someone can provide good advise for them. Having 'only' stage 1 cancer and having the hospital making such a huge mistake is totally unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chun Kiat, this is Jeremy from Temasek Review, an independent online newspaper in Singapore. Our online readership is comparable to TODAY and we would like to learn more about what happened from you and your family. It will be good if you can get your story out to a wider audience.

Please email me at

Anonymous said...

Hi Chun Kiat, actually why are you so affected when they given Mdm Ng attention than your mum. Mdm Ng is under a more serious condition due to the mistake, isn't it? Maybe they need to do what is more important that is to salvage the patient's condition first?

Give the professionals abit of slack so that they can focus and recover from whatever mistakes they have done.

No point asking them to be on their knees when they could be doing something better, ie to correct the mistake. The mistake is done, things should move on to prevent it from happening.

KKH should also not cause further misery to the family members. Save the defence,a mistake is a mistake, admit the mistake and bear full responsibility.

Ng Chun Kiat said...

Anonymous, perhaps you have read my entry wrongly.

The "treatment" I had mentioned was that the pharmacists only apologized for their negligence caused to Mdm Ng but not to my mum. Why is that so? Just because the drug was more potent so my mum didn't deserve an apology for the overdose?

Another point that you should know was that I questioned the hospital during the inquiry that if they said Mdm Ng's case was much more serious, why was it that nurses attended to my mum first instead of Mdm Ng?

Mdm Ng had an antidote, my mum had none as they've explained there was none and no need for one. After all these, you expect me to believe 100% their statement and medical opinion?

Ng Chun Kiat said...

I've never asked for heads to roll too. I wished they were still at their post dispensing drugs and medicine...

Give the professionals a bit of slack? And let them take away my only mum and Mdm Ng before I raise my concerns and the public's concerns?

Read current entry. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous,

Please give the affected parties a break, they have suffered enough. If only the victims were your loved ones, I don't think you will be saying such things...

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the last message by Anonymous 8.31PM was meant to be for Anonymous 11.54PM
Signed, Anonymous 8.31PM